Recent Events
Arts and Creative Industries Reception
On Monday 1st December, the Development and Alumni Relations Office and the OMT Society held their inaugural Arts and Creative Industries Networking event at the Oriental Club, Stratford Place.
The event provided an opportunity for Old Merchant Taylors, parents and parents of OMTs working within these industries to come together to socialise, network and catch up with old friends and teachers.
To read the full story, please click here.
An Evening with Ian Poulter
On Wednesday 26th November Ian Poulter spoke to a packed Great Hall about his career as a professional golfer and the drive and determination it has taken for him to become the European Ryder Cup team's talisman over the last decade. The event coincided with the launch of his autobiography, No Limits and was a sell-out event with an audience full of pupils, parents, OMTs and friends of the School.
To read the full story, please click here.
OMT Society Annual Dinner
On 21st November 2014, the annual OMT Society Dinner returned to Merchant Taylors’ Hall after two years at other London venues.
There was an extraordinary turnout with the Hall close to capacity, and the 246 attendees enjoyed a fantastic evening. The Society's Annual Dinner looks set for a bright future, given that nearly two thirds of the attendees were under the age of 30.
To read the full story, please click here.
To see a list of all recent events, please click here.
An Interview With...

Please follow this link for the video interviews with James Aspinall (OMT) and Tony Booth (Former Staff).
A Snippet of School Life
On Friday 17th October, staff, students, OMTs, parents and parents of OMTs gathered at St. Paul's Cathedral in order to celebrate the life of the school and to commemorate those former pupils and staff members who sacrificed their lives during The Great War.
To read the full story, please click here.
'The Club' and 'Cabaret'
Two exceptional shows were put on this term by Merchant Taylors' Students. Follow this link to read about Cabaret or this link to read about The Club.
Careers Convention
On Wednesday 26th November, the School hosted 35 guest speakers from commerce, industry, and the media, for an extremely successful Fifth Form Careers Convention with St. Helen's.
OMTs, parents and guest speakers generously gave up their time to inspire today's students with the career paths of the future and to bring home to them the realities of their particular profession today.
The Convention is an excellent way of presenting the possible careers paths open and giving pupils access to people in occupations which they might not have considered. By holding events such as this one, pupils will be better informed when choosing their future profession.
To read the full story, please click here.
To read more about 'School Life', please click here.
100 Years - How Taylors' Remembered
To read the full story about the Remembrance Day service, follow this link.
To read the full story about the OMTFC 1st XV vs HAC, follow this link.
To read the full story about the plaque in the War Memorial lobby, follow this link.
OMT Society News
New Website
Just before Christmas, the OMT Society launched their new website, which can be accessed at It has a fresh look and a modern feel, which Yath Gangakumaran has been working on with the School's website development team. The website will contain all the usual useful Society information, but the site will be easier to access and allows the committee to publish articles more quickly and share more information with Society members.
Halford Hewitt Draw
On Wednesday 14th January, the draw for the Halford Hewitt Old Boys' Golf Competition takes place at the East India Club, St. James' Square at 6pm. All are welcome to this event. For more information please contact David Simpson.
Northern Society Dinner
The 60th annual dinner of the OMT Northern Society was held on Saturday 4th October at Merchant Taylors' Hall in York. There were fifty-three attendees, including the Head Master, Simon Everson, and his wife Ginny; the Society President, Tony Wright, and his wife Gill; as well as the two Crosby Schools' Heads, and the President of the Old Crosbeian Society, together with their partners.
To read the full story, please click here.
RAF Picture Appeal
In the Autumn 2014 edition of the OMT Society News Sheet, an appeal was put out to try to identify all those in the picture below. We have had a good response so far, but still a number remain unidentified. For more information, please click here.

For all OMT Society News, please click here.
Upcoming Events
Afternoon Tea - Friday 20th March 2015
If you left Merchant Taylors' in 1970 or before, we hope you will join us for Afternoon Tea on Friday 20th March 2015. It will be a chance to see the changes that have taken place at the School, catch up with old friends and reminisce about your time at Taylors'. You will have the opportunity to meet with the current monitors' team, be taken on tours around the School and watch some of the impressive musical and dramatic talent the School has to offer.
For more information about this event, please contact Melissa Marsh in the Development Office by phone (01923 845545) or email (

Phab's Casino Royale - Friday 20th March 2015
The 2014 - 2015 Phab Team invite you to their 007 Casino Night. Tickets cost £50 and include a three course meal, a drink on arrival and 'fun money' to spend on the Casino. The dress code is Black Tie and is for those over 18 only. All proceeds from the event will go towards ensuring that this year's guests have the best Phab week yet!
To book your ticket, please click here, or contact Amar Shah for more information.

City Network - TBC
The third Merchant Taylors' City Network event will take place in April 2015. More information will be circulated once a date has been finalised.
For more information, please contact Melissa Marsh in the Development Office by phone (01923 845545) or email (
Presidential Reception - Friday 24th April 2015
The Presidential Reception is open to all OMT Society members and is the change-over ceremony between the 2014/2015 President, Tony Wright, and the new 2015/2016 President.
Old Boys' Reunion Day - Saturday 20th June 2015
This is a new event in our calendar, to which we invite all OMTs back to School every five years for a reunion. In the Summer of 2015, we will be inviting anyone who left Merchant Taylors' in a year that ended in '0' or '5'. More information about this event will be circulated in early 2015 - but if you have any questions, please contact Melissa Marsh in the Development Office by phone (01923 845545) or email (
For all upcoming events, please click here for our events calendar.
To register for any upcoming events, please click here.