An Interview with James Aspinall

James Aspinall attended Merchant Taylors’ School between 2004 and 2009, on leaving Taylors’ he attended Northumbria University, studying Transportation Design.  In this interview he reminisces about his time at Taylors’ as well as discussing his career as a Fine and Rare Wine Broker.  He is interviewed by Joey Ricciardiello, a 4th Form Art Scholar who joined MTS in September 2014.  Joey has a keen interest in Journalism and cites English with Mr Morris as his favourite lesson.  The cameras were operated by Mark Eid (Divs), Ben Marcus (Divs) and Dominic Cherry (Divs).

What is your first memory of Merchant Taylors'? (00.12)
What is your favourite memory of Taylors'? (00.47)
What was your favourite lesson at School? (01.27)
Are you still in touch with any teachers? (02.19)
What did you study at university? (03.23)
Which university did you go to? (03.54)
You are a Fine and Rare Wine Broker -  What does that entail? (05.31)
How did you get into the business? (06.26)What do you enjoy most about your job? (07.42)
Are you still in touch with other OMTs? (08.45)

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