Old Merchant Taylors' Society

Welcome from OMT Society President 2024-25,

Richard Brooman (1966-1974)

Welcome to the Old Merchant Taylors’ Society website.

Richard Brooman, OMT President 2024/25We are an old and distinguished alumni association, formed out of love of sport and socialising. We continue to build the Society, both at home and overseas, to enable thousands of OMTs to enjoy the mutual benefits of a lifetime association and a common heritage we all enjoy.

Please take the time to explore this website, which contains details of membership, events and OMT sport. There are pages on this site only available to OMTs and these require you to be logged in. If you do so, you can access the OMT directory and careers directory as well as online editions of the Taylorian.

Please login here.

OMT Society News

OMT Society AGM - Wednesday 26th March, 8pm

The AGM of the Old Merchant Taylors' Society will be held at the War Memorial Clubhouse on Wednesday 26th March. The Notice of the AGM is available here. The Report and Accounts will be published on the same page by 1st March 2025. 


OMT Society News Sheet - coming soon...

If you aren't currently receiving the OMT Society News Sheet, please do update your details to ensure you receive the upcoming edition. You can email the Development Office to send them your postal address by clicking here.


Featured Event


Forthcoming Events


OMT Classic Car Club Spring Meet

Saturday 5th April 2025, Merchant Taylors' School

This event will commence with a cavalcade of cars along the Long Drive, before lunch in the OMT Clubhouse, followed by guest speaker, David Barzilay, who will tell us some of his motoring tales.

Booking can be made on the events page. 


OMT Society Kent, Surrey, Sussex Dinner

Friday 21 March 2025, 7pm, Tunbridge Wells

OMTs, partners and friends are warmly invited to the Spa Hotel, Tunbridge Wells for a fabulous three-course dinner. Tickets are just £60 per head which includes wine with the meal.

Booking can be made on the events page.