OMT Society Memberships 2024/2025
Here you can sign up for OMT Society membership, or renew an existing membership. Simply choose the relevant membership category that you belong to and follow the payment instructions below.
Membership of the Society runs from 1st October to the 30th September. To encourage prompt payment, the Society offers a £1.50 discount (off whichever membership price you are required to pay) during the month of October.
Please note that due to recent Society rule changes, all OMTs who left School since 1977 are considered members without paying an annual subscription. Therefore if you are in the Class of 1977, or a more recent leaver, you do not need to pay a subscription. That said, you may choose to do so, and your fee will be treated as a donation to the running costs of the Society. We are very grateful to those who continue to support in this way.
If you prefer to pay by cheque, or wish to set up a standing order for future membership subscriptions, please download a membership form here.
A copy of the rules of the OMT Society can be downloaded here.