Careers Convention

On Wednesday 26th November, the School hosted 35 guest speakers from commerce, industry, and the media, for an extremely successful Fifth Form Careers Convention with St. Helen's.

OMTs, parents and guest speakers generously gave up their time to inspire today's students with the career paths of the future and to bring home to them the realities of their particular profession today.

The Convention is an excellent way of presenting the possible careers paths open and giving them access to people in these occupations, which they might not have considered. The more information they are given, the better informed they will be when choosing their future profession.

The OMTs who spoke exemplified the diversity of career paths open to MTS pupils to follow. Oli David spoke for Heli Pad helicopters; Zak Beer spoke on the Deloitte scholars' programme; Rajiv Shah spoke on retail and industrial pharmaceuticals; Neel Popat and Tariq Attia spoke on their careers in private equity and Matthew Beake spoke on some of the PR difficulties that have beset the BBC and Sky, such as the Andy Grey affair.

Many thanks to Helga Armstrong and Christine Andrews of the MTS Careers Department for organising this event.

A special thanks to all of the speakers, who gave so generously of their valuable time to enable this event to be such a rich experience for the students: Architecture PLB (Architecture), Army Careers, Babson Capital Europe Ltd (Finance: Portfolio Management), Barclays Bank (Banking), BDO (Accountancy), Balfour Beatty (Engineering), Bindmans and JD Weatherspoon (Law), Castle Lewis Design (Graphic Design), Deloitte (Scholar Scheme), DNA MedicalCommunications (PR), Endemol UK (TV Production), Ernst & Young (Professional Services), European Capital and IWCapital (Finance: Private equity), InvestinEducation and Venturepoint Capital (City Trading), GlaxoSmithKline (Pharmaceutical Research), General Practice (Dr S. Singh), Heli Air (Helicopter Pilot and Engineering), JS International Ltd (International Marketing and Sales), McCullagh and Blessing Dental Practice (Dentistry), MBNL (Global IT and Telecommunications), Royal Veterinary College (Vet), Sainsbury’s (Graduate Careers), Shell (Human Resources), Sigma Pharmaceuticals (Pharmacy), Sky (CorporateCommunications/PR), St Helen’s School (Counselling), Dr N.Teper & Assoc. (Psychology), UCL Dr Bridgewater (Medicine).

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