Parvae Res - April 2016

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Merchant Taylors' and St Helen's Arts and Creative Industries Reception

On Thursday 3rd March, the Development and Alumni Relations office, together with the Development Office at St Helen’s School, held their first joint Arts and Creative Industries Reception. The networking event was held at the Gallery in the Crypt at St Martin-in-the-Fields, and was an opportunity for OMTs, OGs, parents and parents of OMTs and OGs to come together to socialise, network and catch up with old friends and teachers.

Please click here to read the full article.

Afternoon Tea

On Friday 18th March 2016, the Development and Alumni Relations Office welcomed over 120 OMTs who left the School before 1971 and their guests to Afternoon Tea in the Great Hall. Prior to tea, tours of the School were led by current members of the Sixth Form. Some of the guests had not been back to Taylors’ since they left, so were able to see the many changes made in the intervening years, as well as visiting old classrooms and haunts.

To read the full article, please click here.

To view more Recent Events, please click here.

Oxbridge Success

Successful Oxbridge ApplicantsWe are delighted to report that twenty-one boys received offers from Oxford (10) and Cambridge (11) this year. This is the largest number since 2000, approximating to fifteen percent of the Upper Sixth Form and almost fifty percent of all applicants. Our pupils have been offered places to read a range of subjects, including Engineering, English, History, Law, and Natural Sciences. Pupils can be extremely proud of their efforts, with the competition for places becoming more intense every year. They all grasped the enormity of the challenge and made great use of extension seminars and mock interviews, as well as engaging in sustained reading in their chosen discipline. All credit must go to the successful candidates for their exemplary efforts.
Please click here to view a full list of Oxbridge offers.

Duologue Competition


'Crossed Lines' (The Two Ronnies) - Luke Rozanski and Matthew HineThe Duologues this year reached a very high standard of performance, as noted by our illustrious judge, Robin Hooper – star of ‘The Office’, alongside Ricky Gervais, and former Literary Manager of the Royal Court theatre. There was a broad range of material, from The Two Ronnies to Sarah Kane, and Robin enjoyed and commented on the passion and freshness of the performances.

To read more, please click here.

Merchant Taylors' Company Schools'  Concert at Liverpool Philharmonic

Forty-nine Merchant Taylors’ boys, along with four boys from Merchant Taylors' Prep, made the trip to Liverpool for the joint concert of the 11 Merchant Taylors’ Company schools. These musical events are to be cherished - the last two being in 1986 and 2000!

To read the full article and to view pictures, please click here.

Junior Production - The Witches

In Roald Dahl’s novel, The Witches, the unnamed, eight year old narrator explains to his readership, ‘only a woman can be a witch’. True though this might be in Dahl’s fictional world, in the theatrical sense the MTS junior play demonstrated that males can in fact be witches and terrifying ones at that. The play version is largely faithful to Dahl’s original tale, in which a boy endures two encounters with witches to orchestrate a revenge attack equally as sophisticated.
In the junior play the boy’s cigar-smoking grandmother was brilliantly adapted and portrayed by Ishmael Levy’s sartorial grandfather whose opening bed-time, spook story set the scene for a dark and sinister production.
To read more and for pictures, please click here.


For more articles on 'School Life' from the Spring Term, please click here.




Electric Umbrella at Phab Week 2016

During the first week of Easter, 10 Lower Sixth and 10 Upper Sixth students from Merchant Taylors’ and St. Helen’s provided a residential week for 20 disabled teenagers to enjoy exciting and once-in-a-lifetime opportunities whilst giving their parents and carers a week of respite from 24/7 care. This is the 44th year Phab has been running and it was a fantastically successful week, once again.

The lead up to Phab week, and the fundraising endeavours that the boys undertake in order to fund the week are equally as important the residential respite week itself. From charity netball games, Phab Phriday and the Phab Revue. Everyone in the School community gives money towards a truly tremendous week.

To read about the Phab fundraising events, please click here.

To read the full article and to see pictures from Phab Week 2016, please click here.

Charity Drive

House Bake Off - Charities Week 2016

Charity Drive organise a number of events throughout the year, including Charities week, an annual event held just before the Easter holidays. There are different events which run on each day of the week. This year Monday saw the  was the Staff vs Student Basketball Match, Tuesday was Mufti and Krispy Kreme day, Wednesday was House Bake-off, and finally, Thursday saw the return of Charities Fair. 

To read more about the fundraising endeavours of Charity Drive, and about Charities Week, please click here.

World Challenge

In July, 13 boys from the MTS Sixth Form will be taking part in World Challenge. They will be travelling through Madagascar and taking part in various community charitable projects along the way. In order to undertake this trip, they have to raise a significant amount of money. The boys have been actively and successfully fundraising for some time and recently held a charity Casino Night at the Moor Park Mansion, raising a considerable sum.
To read more, please click here.

Upper Third Former rides 50 miles for charity

Many congratulations to Upper Third Former Joshku Gunusen, whose fifty-mile charity bike ride has raised over £2,000 for charity. Joshku writes: “I have been raising money for an Israeli charity called Karmiel Children’s Village. The charity takes in orphans and children from broken homes, and provides them with shelter, food and other support. I have been raising money to support them in having their barmitzvah. This year there are twenty children of barmitzvah age and the money I raise is going towards making their day special. They are a lot less privileged than me, and I really want to make this experience a memorable one for them.” 

Karan Sofat makes England Hockey Squad

Karan Sofat has recently been selected for the England U16 hockey team. He will now undertake international training over the next few months, travelling to Holland and Germany for international fixtures. This is a tremendous feat, as Karan is still a year young for this age group. It bodes well for the future. Karan is currently a major player in the MTS 1st team, and indeed the only boy from his year group to play at this level. We wish him the best of luck in all his international matches.  

Will Porter makes his debut for Wasps A team

Will Porter made his debut for Wasps ‘A’ against Bristol United at Maidenhead RFC on Monday 4th January. This was his first game of senior men’s rugby and he made a bright impression coming on for the last twenty minutes. This is an incredible achievement, particularly as Will is still only in the lower sixth. Wasps ‘A’ League coach Matt Davies said: “It is an opportunity for our Academy players to play alongside seasoned professional players. Final score: 31-17.

Hugo Anthony crowned Junior World Champion

Hugo Anthony

Lower Sixth former Hugo Anthony retained his title as GB Junior Men's Champion in January. Although given a place in the GB team because of his title as World Junior Champion, Hugo wanted to compete in the full selection process. Spread over two weekends at two locations, the GB selections saw Hugo competing in the Men's heats in which he came 5th overall which bodes well for when he moves up.

Deven Patel invited to MCC

Congratulations to Deven who has been invited to Marylebone Cricket Club for an achievement day in recognition of his outstanding achievement in schools cricket.

Hertfordshire Cricket Awards 2015

Congratulations to Joe Regan and David Burnell who won the batting award for Hertfordshire U14 & U17 age groups respectively. This is a fantastic achievement and further demonstrates the strength of the MTS cricket programme.

A few weeks ago we asked OMTs to update their details as part of our efforts to further tailor and expand our events and communications programme. We were delighted with the response.

Thank you very much to the 720 OMTs who have already updated their details on our website. If you haven't already done so please click here to fill in the brief survey.


Manor Reunion - Saturday 14th May

All OMTs who boarded in the Manor of the Rose are invited back to School for a reunion lunch on Saturday 14th May 2016. The event will begin at 12pm with tours of the School, followed by lunch at the OMT Clubhouse. To view the current list of attendees, please click here. To book your ticket, please click here.

Medicine and Dentistry Convention - Saturday 25th June

As well as a networking and social opportunity for those practising medicine or dentistry, this event is a careers guidance event for the current pupils, and we invite those OMTs who work in medicine or dentistry back to Taylors' to talk and inspire the boys. There will be a networking breakfast for OMTs from 10am.
If you are interested in signing up to be a speaker for the event, please do email for more information.
If you would just like to attend the event for networking purposes, please click here to register.

Old Boys' Reunion Day - Saturday 2nd July

After the success of last year's inaugural Old Boys' Reunion Day, the Development and Alumni Relations Office invite all OMTs who left the School in a year ending in '1' or '6' back to Taylors' for the afternoon.
The event will start at 1.30pm for a drinks reception before tours of the School at 2.00pm. There will then be activities to choose from before an evening meal at the OMT Clubhouse at 6.00pm.
Tickets will be £15 before 29th April and £20 thereafter. Please click here for more information and to book your ticket.

A Celebration of MTS Classics - Tuesday 21st June

To mark the retirement of Martin Drury, the Classics Department are hosting a Classics Seminar on 21st June. OMTs Alan Sommerstein (1965) and Thomas Nelson (2009) will be giving lectures on their specialisms. For more information and to book your ticket, please click here.

Recent Leavers' Lunch - Saturday 3rd September 

All OMTs who left the Taylors' between 2011 and 2016 are invited back to School for an informal barbecue and drinks in the Head Master's Garden. Please click here to book your ticket.

Middlesex vs GloucestershireT20 - Thursday 2nd June

On Thursday 2nd June Merchant Taylors’ School are proud to be hosting Middlesex County Cricket Club in a home NatWest T20 Blast encounter vs Gloucestershire, starting at 5.30pm.
As an OMT, we are delighted to offer you an exclusive discount to purchase adult tickets to the game at the discounted rate of just £15 per ticket, reduced from the normal rate of £18. With a sell-out crowd anticipated, don’t delay and secure your place now. Tickets for children are just £5. 
To purchase your tickets, please click here. Add the number of adult tickets you wish to purchase and then at the checkout type MTS16 into the voucher code box and click ADD VOUCHER. The £3 per adult ticket discount will then be taken off the total payable.

For all upcoming events and ticket booking, please click here.