Arts and Creative Industries Reception

On Thursday 3rd March, the Development and Alumni Relations office together with the Development Office at St Helen’s School held their first joint Arts and Creative Industries Reception. The networking event was held at the Gallery in the Crypt at St Martin-in-the-Fields, and was an opportunity for OMTs, OGs, parents and parents of OMTs and OGs to come together to socialise, network and catch up with old friends and teachers.

With 70 people in attendance, the event was a really lively affair, with those from both schools making useful connections. The gallery itself had some wonderful art work on display, and it made a great venue for an arts networking event.

Mary Short welcomed guests from St Helen's and gave a brief update on life at the School. Unfortunately the Head Master, Simon Everson, was unable to attend due to illness so guests had to settle for a speech from Development Director, Nick Latham, on behalf of Merchant Taylors'. He spoke about the variety of events we have coming up for OMTs and parents in London as well as at Sandy Lodge and overseas. He encouraged all guests to visit the School and see some of the fantastic developments, including the new Design Centre. He spoke of the recent Oxbridge success - 21 offers made - including that of one of the first recipients of a bursary funded through the Development Campaign. Nick also spoke about the Careers Directory available on this website and the fact that we now had over 600 people registered on it. Over half the guests were already listed and during the evening many more added their names to the directory. Finally Nick offered the opportunity for attendees to send a message to any of their former teachers, which many did over the course of the evening.

The difficulty the venue had in getting us to leave at the end was indicative of the thoroughly enjoyable evening we had at St Martin-in-the-Fields.

If you missed the Arts and Creative Industries event this year and would like to attend in future, please do get in touch. Whether you work in these industries or not, if you let us know what your current role is, it will enable us to shape future sector-specific networking and social opportunities. Please contact the Development Director, Nick Latham, by email ( or telephone (01923 845 545) who will be delighted to hear from you.


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