World Challenge Fundraiser at Moor Park Mansion
Xavier Castelino (L6th) writes: On Saturday 27th February, 13 boys from L6th and U6th took over the Moor Park Mansion to launch their very own casino fundraising event. This is just one of the many ways we have been using to raise funds for the upcoming expedition to Madagascar in July. Although the required fundraising target is at £3850, the event proved a success, helping us all to get a lot further towards that total.
After our hired jazz band welcomed the guests into the venue, we were at long last able to officially open the event, with a speech given by Simran Kumar and Rohan Popat. It was then that the gambling could finally begin. Some guests chose to head straight to the casino tables, chancing their arms at roulette or blackjack. Meanwhile, others chose to spend their money on the silent auction and raffle, with prizes ranging from Le Cordon Bleu courses to a signed Lionel Messi shirt. At the end of the night, chips were cashed in, with some winning as much as $3000 worth! This entitled them to pick from a further prize collection, which included a meal at Hix, London.
Despite many challenges along the way, and several crisis points, in a display of true MTS grit we managed to raise an incredible £2800! Despite this total, it could be argued that the biggest success of the team was not the money raised, but the hard-work and teamwork displayed in getting the show on the road, even with some very tough moments. A very special thanks should go to Akhil Patel, for his outstanding contribution and leadership of the event, as well as our jazz band, Joe Savage and Joe Salkeld, our hired magician for the night Tej Thakkar, and of course the team at the Moor Park Mansion. The next event lined up for the team is an 2000km sponsored group cycle, the equivalent length of Madagascar.
If you would like to support us in in our fundraising efforts, feel free to get in contact with any of: Xavier Castelino, Johan Jamal, Aadam Jung, Andrew Keener, Simran Kumar, Henry Millen, Roman Murphy, Akhil Patel, Rishi Patel, Rohan Popat, Bryce Puszet, Devan Shah or Ethan Taberham.

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