Summer Exam Results

Congratulations to all our class of 2014 who produced some fantastic exam results with 67% getting A*/A. Of 436 exams taken, 391 were awarded with A*/A or B and overall Merchant Taylors' School achieved a 100 per cent pass rate in its A Level exams.

Head Master, Simon Everson said: "We are thrilled for our students who have worked so hard to achieve these outstanding results. Merchant Taylors' offers a full-blooded education rather than an examination grind and these results show that schools don't have to become grade-obsessed treadmills for students to achieve the highest level."

Congratulations also go to Fifth Form and Divisions students who passed over 90% of the GCSEs at A* or A. Altogether, 73 students achieved more than 8 A* - nearly 40% of the year; 31 students were awarded 10 A*s; 20 students achieved 9A*s and 22 students achieved 8 A*s.


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