Phab Awarded the Lord Morris of Manchester Award

On Tuesday 14th October 2014, the joint Phab team of Merchant Taylors' and St. Helen's went to the House of Lords to proudly accept the Lord Morris of Manchester Award, in recognition of its outstanding contribution to the development of Phab's aim of inclusion through schools, colleges and universities.

The prestigious prize was presented to Father Bond, Mrs Marsh and Mrs Rose from MTS and Ms Baker and Ms Blazewicz from St. Helen's at a ceremony that celebrated the ongoing work of the charity.

Phab is an institution at Merchant Taylors' and has been the school's main charity for almost half a century. The school has a wonderful legacy of providing residential and respite care for 20 young people with learning and physical disabilities each year for one whole week, a ministry which is currently in its 43rd year.

Many congratulations to all those boys and teachers - past and present - who have, over the many years, made such a difference to lives of disabled and non-disabled children through this year-on commitment.

The Phab team have recently collaborated with Phab UK to set up a new initiative called MTS UP. This means that OMTs beginning university will now have the support that will help them engage Student Union services in providing Phab events on their campus. This is a very exciting project and should provide the national charity with a cohort of young, vibrant supporters of this necessary work for years to come. 



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