An Interview with John Pallant

John Pallant taught at Merchant Taylors' School between 1968 and 1997, where he became Director of Sport and transformed the way in which rugby was played at Taylors'. John returned to School in 2005 and coached the Colts team for two terms and he continues to come back regularly to invigilate. He is interviewed by Joey Ricciardiello, a 4th Form Art Scholar who joined MTS in September 2014. Joey has a keen interest in Journalism and cites English with Mr Morris as his favourite lesson. The cameras were operated by Siddhat Patki (Divs) and Fynn Levy (Upper Sixth).

Where did you first play rugby?
When did you begin to realise you might play at a high level?

What position did you play for England? And what was it like playing international rugby?
You were also a talented athlete, ranked 4th in the world as a junior hammer thrower. Did you ever consider pursuing that as a career?
When did you first consider teaching as a career?
What was studying at Loughborough like?
What do you remember of your first visit to Taylors'?
What were your priorities as Director of Sport?

Which of your changes have stood the test of time?
Is there a particular rugby try that stands out? 
What do you remember of the CCF? 
Which colleagues do you remember most fondly? 
How do you think education has changed?
How do you keep busy in retirement?

Do England have a chance in the Rugby World Cup?


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