Upper Sixth Form Parents' Homepage
Welcome to the homepage for the parents of the 2015 Upper Sixth Form.
Upper Sixth Parents' Social
This social event is open to all parents of the current U6th boys who will be leaving Taylors' this summer. The social will be held on Friday 3rd July in the OMT clubhouse and will start at 7.30pm.
There will be a buffet at £10 per head served during the evening and a pay bar.
To book tickets, please click here.
Recent Leavers' Lunch
All OMTs who left the School between 2011 and 2015 are invited back to School for an informal BBQ and drinks in the Head Master's Garden on Saturday 12th September. This event is free of charge, but we ask for tickets to be booked, so that we are aware of the numbers we are to cater for. Please do encourage your son to come along to his first ever OMT event. For more information, and to book tickets, please suggest he visits the website here.
Class of 2015 Hardship Bursary
We have been delighted with the response to the Class of 2015 Hardship Bursary Appeal. So far, over £10,000 has been pledged. If you wish to pledge your support by making a gift of the deposit you put down for your son's place at the School, please click here.