Triennial Service

On Friday 17th October, staff, students, OMTs, parents and past parents gathered at St. Paul's Cathedral in order to celebrate the life of the school and commemorate those former pupils and staff members who sacrificed their lives during the Great War. The thanksgiving service began with a rousing rendition of Bread of Heaven, followed by the Bidding given by The Reverend Canon Mark Oakley, Chancellor, Canon in Residence.
The school then committed a solemn Act of Remembrance with Jonny Taylor (Registrar and History Master), Jonah Surkes (Sergeant, CCF Cadet) and Ben Seabrook (Colour Sergeant, CCF Cadet) offering their reflections on the life of the school in World War One. The sermon, delivered by Canon Mark Oakley, was extremely profound and interesting, highlighting that even though life is a gift from God, we owe God a gift, the gift of 'our becoming. Who we become as human beings'. The full sermon can be read here.
The ceremony was interspersed with phenomenal singing from both the school and parent's choirs, whose harmonies filled every inch of the Cathedral in beautiful song.
The full order of service can be read here.
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