Merchant Taylors' City Network 2013
On February 28th 2013, the Development Office held its inaugural City Networking event at the KPMG offices in Salisbury Square. The event for Old Merchant Taylors and parents of current boys working in the City of London was hosted by Simon Collins, a current parent and UK Chairman and Senior Partner at KPMG. It was a successful evening and incredibly heartening to see over 180 people gathering together in one room to socialise, network and catch up with old friends and teachers.
Simon Collins spoke about the challenges facing School leavers and graduates when they enter the job market. For KPMG, who receive 25,000 applications from graduates each year for just 600 jobs, this is particularly pertinent. Simon stressed the importance of networking, careers advice and work experience and made a plea for those present to offer their support for an online careers directory that the School is to launch later this year.
At the event, over 60 people registered to be a part of the directory and, since the event, a further 50 have contacted the Development Office saying they would like to help. This is a wonderful start as we build towards a launch of the directory in September. We are on course to have over 300 OMTs and parents listed and prepared to help.
Stephen Wright, Head Master, spoke on our vision for the School in the years to come and outlined the exciting developments currently underway. The first of these, the pedestrianisation of the campus, is well underway. The new perimeter road is now complete and in use. The re-development of the Great Hall into an Art Deco classic with twenty-first century facilities begins in the summer, and the exciting new Technology building that will bring together Art and Design with traditional and new technologies will follow.
Our warmest thanks go to all at KPMG, but particularly to Simon Collins for so generously hosting the event.
If you missed the City Network this year and would like to attend in future, please do get in touch or visit the Event Registration page to book tickets. Whether you work in the City or not, if you let us know what your current role is, it will enable us to shape future sector-specific networking and social opportunities. Please contact the Development Director, Nick Latham, by email or telephone (01923 845 545) who will be delighted to hear from you.

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