Afternoon Tea
On 20th March 2015 the Development and Alumni Relations Office was delighted to be able to welcome some of those OMTs who left the School before 1970 and their guests to Afternoon Tea in the Exam Hall. Prior to tea, tours of the School were given by current members of the Lower Sixth Form. These proved to be extremely popular as many had not been back to the School in over thirty years. Guests were able to see the changes to the School, as well as reminiscing about their time here visiting old classrooms and haunts.

Our 58 guests were treated to some exceptional performances in the afternoon. Two outstanding duologues from the recent competition were chosen to perform – Finn McKenzie and Charlie Woolley’s rendition of Dissecting the Chicken Joke and Jonah Surkes and Dan Allum-Gruselle’s Mastermind sketch by the Two Ronnies were met with enough laughter to fill the surrounding classrooms! Music Scholar, George Wright’s performance of the Acrobat was superb.
The Afternoon Tea itself, was exceptional, with many compliments paid to the School’s catering team. Whilst the guests feasted on the delights in front of them, the Head Master spoke about the School’s wish to re-engage with all of its alumni, through social gatherings such as the Afternoon Tea, as well as Business Affinity events.
It was great to see so many Old Boys back at School, and we hope that the event will be as successful in the future. Thank you to our tour guides Theo Reynolds (L6th), Ben Bard (L6th), Jordan Dotting (L6th), Alex Hattam (L6th), Michael Bonney (L6th), Tom Lawrence (L6th), Chris Marks (L6th), Tom Overend (L6th), George Yerou (L6th), Elliott Arnold (L6th), Aadam Jung (L6th) Udi Sharma, (L6th) and Rohan Gupta (L6th), who was also the Photographer for the event. Thanks must also be extended to our five performers Finn McKenzie (Divs), Charlie Woolley (Divs), Jonah Surkes (U6th), Dan Allum-Gruselle (U6th) and George Wright (3rds); to Maneet Patel (U6th), Michael Coleman (U6th), Thomas Compton (U6th), Louis Rose (U6th) and Julian Man (U6th) for their help during the Afternoon Tea; Dave Fayer and his team for the catering; and John Reynolds and his team for their help in setting up the event.
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