Presidential Reception 2025

Friday 25th April, from 18.45, OMT Clubhouse

OMTs are invited to attend the OMT Society Presidential Reception marking the start of the new President's year.

At the reception, we will thank the outgoing President, Richard Brooman, for his service to the OMT Society. Richard has been a committed supporter of Society and the School for many years. He attended Merchant Taylors' School between 1966 and 1974. For over thirty years, he played rugby for the OMT, and was not only Chairman of the Old Merchant Taylors' Society for last twelve years but he was also a Governor of School for over fifteen years. His enthusiasm and drive saw the Society bounce back from Covid when so many Alumni Associations have not faired so well, and both Society and School benefit from the connections he has made and maintained.

Richard is succeeded as President by a contemporary of his, Sir David Richmond. Sir David was at Merchant Taylors' School from 1967 to 1972, and after, he went up to Cambridge to read English at Trinity Hall. He has a half blue for Fives and played rugby for the OMT Society. From Cambridge, he joined the Diplomatic Service, and his postings included Baghdad, Sana'a, Brussels and New York. He was appointed the UK's Special Representative for Iraq in March 2004, reporting directly to the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary. In his final posting, he was Director General (Defence and Intelligence) at the Foreign Office with responsibilities for crisis coordination, and for international cooperation on counter-terrorism and counter-proliferation.

The reception will start with welcome drinks from 18.45 at the OMT Clubhouse at Sandy Lodge, followed by brief speeches and a hot buffet with desserts and cheeses, with some wine included and tea and coffee available. Further drinks can be purchased at the bar. Tickets are £60 per head and can be purchased via the OMT events page of the website.