Jeff Pearson (1949-1954)

Died on 7th January 2022, aged 85

Jeff (MTS 1949-54), a larger-than-life character, from the time of his “Roller” association as a schoolboy, and sterling performances in strong OMT XVs in the 1950s and 60s, to wonderful leadership of the OMT Welsh Weekend, passed away in January 2022 after a long, courageous battle with a heart condition. The strong support of his wife Tessa carried Jeff through this desperately difficult time. They were a great and devoted team.

In their younger days, true love had not run quite so smoothly. They first met on the ‘City Line’ from Moor Park to Baker Street. Jeff, with the infamous ‘Roller’ episode behind him, and after a distinguished school rugby career (full back in a strong 1st XV of 1953/4 and memorably drop kicking a goal from the half way line to defeat Harrow), was making his way in the world of Accountancy and now enjoying success in OMT XVs.  I am indebted to Rodney Pelham, his companion on the field and subsequently Pembrokeshire devotee, for providing details of this era. Jeff played over 70 games for a very strong OMT 1st XV, perhaps more often on the wing than full back, where John Prodger was firmly in command. Jeff liked nothing better than reminiscing on those “first class” contests of the “good old days”, with particular reference to the likes of Bath and Gloucester, Rosslyn Park and Blackheath, and the days when the Old Merchant Taylors’ result was eagerly awaited on the Radio at 5pm!

Tessa became a loyal supporter and devotee of Durrants but things did not quite work out as might have been expected. Jeff disappeared to Cyprus on National Service and Tessa married another OMT, John Denning. Jeff, too, married Jane and 3 children followed. But all roads led to Saundersfoot where both Jeff and Tessa had strong family connections and where the vicissitudes of life brought them back together again. They were married in 1990 and there began a period of real fulfilment for Jeff. He became a very successful Secretary/Manager of Tenby Golf Club – one of the finest links courses in Wales. Together with Tessa, he developed a great love of France – which included many sailing exploits, with a Winter trip through the freezing canals from Camargue to the English Channel - a highlight - oft to be recalled!

At the same time, Jeff and Tessa immersed themselves in the community of Saundersfoot from their idyllic Valley Road farmhouse; Jeff became the mainstay of British Legion events, especially the Annual Remembrance Service at the Saundersfoot War memorial. There were also wonderful family years with his children nearby (although the death of his son from cancer was hard for Jeff to bear), together with 4 grandsons, 2 granddaughters, along with Tessa’s 4 children and grandchildren. Jeff was ‘Dander’ to all of them and he revelled in his family barbeques.

Many OMTs were also to benefit from the Pearson hospitality at Valley Road, and from all Jeff’s management skills and creative thinking and sheer warmth and generosity, as he took over the OMT Welsh Weekend which had been the inspiration of Iain Hardcastle and Clive Huxley in the 1980s. Jeff arranged not only an excellent dinner but a whole series of innovative weekend events, always centred around the Cresselly Arms at Cresswell Quay and then Sunday supper at Valley Farm and Tessa’s wonderful cuisine.  Jeff’s faithful friend, the whippet Sally, was also always close at hand. Jeff’s legacy is a thriving OMT September Welsh event with an ever-growing group of ardent aficionados. I wonder how many can claim to possess the Pembrokeshire soap dish? Another constant from this time was the friendship of OMT Matthew Houston and his wife Zandra. I am indebted to Matthew for his assistance in this tribute.

The final years were difficult with constant health issues, but we all admired Jeff’s tenacity and two years of heroic battle against the odds. In his final days, he found great comfort in the ministrations of his great friend, Father Paul, and his Christian faith.  Tessa, and the wider family, are much in our thoughts and prayers as Jeff’s many friends remember a wonderful companion who will be sadly missed – but warmly remembered and toasted, as he would wish, when we gather again in September.

Christopher Hirst (1958-65)


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