Your Gift to the Julian Hill Cricket Centre

indoor cricket centre nets

This project will need the support of our whole community. Your generosity can help us build the finest school cricket facility in the country, providing benefits to other school sports, while also having a transformational effect on our future bursary provision.

You can make a gift in a number of ways and you can choose your preferred option below. If you are considering setting up a recurring gift, we encourage you to choose the Direct Debit option, rather than credit card, as this way no card charges are incurred and your entire gift will go towards the project. You may even choose to make a single gift by Direct Debit, as this also avoids the card charges. If you do select Direct Debit, please note that instalments will be taken on (or soon after) the first of each month.

  • Gift Information
  • Gift Details
  • Personal Information

Gift Information

Adam Brand Club
Harry Latchman Club
Ravi Patel Club
Mike Grimsdick 216 Club
Century Club


Gift Details

Gift Aid:

Personal Information