An Evening at the Opera

Thursday 8th May, 6.30pm for 7.00pm Recital Hall

Richard Brooman (retiring President OMT Society) and Joan Stubbs (Asst. Director of Music at MTS) edge towards the exit in: 

An Evening of Opera and Lieder 
Featuring arias and songs by Bizet, Donizetti, Handel, Mozart, Rossini, Schubert, Verdi, Wagner, and Gilbert & Sullivan.

The recital is free of charge, but booking is essential as capacity is limited. Drinks and canapés will be served from 6.30pm, and the performance will begin at 7pm.

When you register, there is an opportunity to make a voluntary donation to the school's Bursary Fund. Donations to this fund will help open the doors to the school for those who may not otherwise be able to have the opportunity. Thank you for considering making a donation.

Additionally, credit card charges are not longer levied on payments to the school. Instead, the service provider includes an option at the end of the form to leave a contribution towards the card charges. However, please note that you are under no obligation to pay the charge — the school does not benefit from this — so paying the charge is entirely at your discretion. it can be removed by unchecking the Blackbaud box just prior to payment.

If you would like to contact us about this event or any other matter, please email the Development Office at