Simon Everson, Head Master
Simon Everson joined Merchant Taylors' in 2013 after being the Head Master at Skinner’s School for seven years. He was educated at Solihull School, Fitzwilliam College Cambridge and Nottingham University and he holds a Master’s degree in both English Literature and Philosophy.
What made you want to be a teacher?
Which author did you enjoy teaching the most as an English teacher?
Does your family have any background in teaching?
When did you first realise you wanted to be a Head Master?
You were very successful as Head Master at Skinners' School. What did you learn from the experience?
You have now been in post at MTS for two years. How do you view the School currently?
What do you feel makes the School stand out?
What are your immediate goals for the School?
Do you have a message for Old Merchant Taylors?
Lastly, how do you relax away from School?
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