The Guthrie Cup – CCF

Immediately following Field Day on Sunday 11 October, a small Team lead by the Army Section Cadet RSM, Beatrice Everett, took part in the first London District Guthrie Cup held at Harrow School. This was a very challenging competition and it was clear that we had stiff competition from some schools that admitted to having trained 3 times per week.

The Team was tested in Leadership, First Aid, Shooting, Fitness, Initiative Tests, Observation, Section Attacks, Fire and Movement, Skill At Arms and Military Knowledge. Having seen the participants through their CCF career, it was pleasing to see such a strong performance, with Tom Lawrence bringing his knowledge from the CCF Leadership course to the fore. Beatrice Everett provided good leadership for the Team with all of the others acting as supportive team members, even when faced with Military Knowledge tests that involved questions such as General Lord Guthrie’s star sign (not something normally seen as essential military knowledge).

The Guthrie Cup was a long day for the Cadets, but it was good to see them perform so well against really determined opposition and it shows how capable our Cadets are. Thanks should go to Lt Sam Hannam and WO1 Kev Sharrock for their support and inspiration to the Cadets and for all who gave up a precious Sunday to represent Merchant Taylors’ School CCF.

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