Remembrance Day

On Wednesday 11th November, the School remembered those who gave their lives during World War I, including 315 OMTs. It was a most moving occasion on which we welcomed OMT and Head of Joint Forces Command, General Sir Richard Barrons, to give the address. General Barrons spoke powerfully on how war must be avoided at all costs - but that war can also choose those who least expect it. A select number of boys also spoke in some of the different languages of those involved in The Great War and Mr Hale detailed the sobering reality of what life was like for soldiers on the front line while paying tribute to OMT Arthur Phillips who died 100 years previously (to the day) on the Somme. At the end of the ceremony, as is tradition, the whole school processed in silence past the Roll of Honour in the War Memorial Cloister, paying respect to those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

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