Phab - Hands of Jazz
Highlights of the night included the superb Roselyne Haye (Modern Languages) and Jonny Taylor (History and Registrar) displaying their fantastic range of vocal talents on the big stage and the wonderful professional musicians of the Hands of Jazz (some of whom perform on a regular basis in the West End). There was an excellent teaser for Guys and Dolls - which was to be performed later in the term - given by Ben Peart (U6), the entertaining and somewhat alternative auctioneering skills displayed by Tom Bannon (L6) that raised £650, and finally witnessing that the boys in the Phab team do not, in fact, possess two left feet. Additionally, the Swing and Individual Charleston lessons had the dancefloor filled with novices and self-proclaimed experts alike.
As always, thanks must go to the Phab teams of both schools and the catering staff of MTS who were on hand to help the night go ahead, and were available to clear up afterwards. Special mention must go to Gregg McCann (Admissions Officer), who was the driving force behind the night. His organisational and musical abilities were evidenced as second to none, and it is thanks to him that we had such an amazing night and were able to raise over £2,500 for Phab 2016.
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