Medea – Senior Play at St Helen's

Hell Hath No Fury….. This week saw the opening of ‘Medea’ at St.Helen’s school, a joint production with Merchant Taylors’. This was a superbly acted and powerful production; brilliantly directed by Michelle Connell and Dani Sinclair. It was also visually striking, with an imaginative use of lighting, and stunning images projected on to a beautiful set design of white and silver.

Infanticide is a heavy theme to handle (not to mention the murder of members of a Royal household), but the cast played it with maturity and control. You could sense each line had been carefully thought through. Selin Balcioglu, as Medea, is clearly an actress in the making, and a very believable portrayal by Henry Gee’s of Jason, particularly the moment where he discovers his wife has murdered their children (no wonder the Greeks found this play hard to stomach). Elliott Arnold made a memorably authoritative Creon, and Neville Birdi and George Yerou brought gravity to their roles as The Tutor and Ageus.

Overall, it was a well-paced production, with no opportunity for the audience to lose interest. The spectacle of the doors opening at the end, Medea standing with a dagger, murdered sons at her feet, is one that is hard to forget.

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