The Bulstrode Whitelocke Society Dinner
The inaugural Bulstrode Whitelocke Society Dinner took place on Friday 13th January to celebrate the launch of the Bulstrode Whitelocke Review, an historical journal containing contributions from both pupils and teachers. An eighty-strong gathering, representing past and present, assembled in the Undercroft, with many OMTs returning to the school for the first time since they left.
After a tour of the History Department’s new home, the E. H. Carr Building, Jake Keisner (Society President) reviewed the visiting speakers from 2016, whilst offering an open invite to all those who would like to attend the exciting line-up for the year ahead. With champagne flowing and historical thirsts temporarily whetted, the party moved into the Exam Hall for dinner. Guests were greeted by a copy of the Bulstrode Whitelocke Review on their table, before George Solomou (Editor) launched the publication. His humorous commentary on a variety of entries not only led to historical debates breaking out over dinner, but also implored the OMTs and parents present to submit an entry for the second volume.
The highlight of the evening, the lamb kleftiko aside, was undoubtedly the address by Professor Alexander Watson (OMT). Having been awarded the Wolfson History Prize in 2014 for his latest book, Ring of Steel: Germany and Austria-Hungary at War, we were extremely fortunate to hear from such a celebrated historian. Professor Watson, rather aptly, chose to speak about the writing of history and the requirements of such an undertaking. His emphasis on the need for patience, attention to detail, and intellectual humility, was made all the more pertinent when he placed it in the context of a tumultuous year and a post-truth society. Invariably, aided by a decent claret, this led to many ignoring the maxim ‘never to discuss politics in polite company’. However, as the evening drew to a close, there was a real warmth of conviviality and I was reminded of the words of Lord Bolingbroke: ‘To converse with historians is to keep good company; many of them were excellent men, and those who were not, have taken care to appear such in their writings’.
A photostream of the evening can be viewed by clicking on the image below.

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