Benefactors’ Day, 3 December 2016
Benefactors’ Day is an opportunity for the Head Master to thank all those who have supported the school in the last year. More than 350 people who have given gifts to the school in 2016 were invited for tours and a drinks reception in the Exam Hall. It was a privilege to host past parents, current parents, OMTs and friends of the school who choose to support us, whether it be for bursary places or new building projects. The support from our benefactors makes a real difference to the life of the school, and we are so grateful to each one of them.
Guests took tours of the school with 6th formers, giving them the opportunity to see all the developments that have taken place in recent years. As some of our guests hadn’t visited the school since the 1960s there were a few surprises, and yet they commented on how the atmosphere of the school has remained unchanged.
The reception was a truly memorable occasion, with performances from one of our youngest music scholars, Moses Ng in the Thirds, carols from the Thomas White Singers and impressive pieces of mock GSCE art work on display. Thank you so much to all those who helped to make the event such a success.
To view photos of the occasion please have a look through the images below.

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