The Jon Gabitass Reunion Dinner, 17th June 2017
On Saturday 17th June OMTs who attended the school between 1992 and 2008 were invited back to school for a reunion with former Head Master, Mr Jon Gabitass, and their former teachers.
All 200 of those who attended relished the opportunity to catch up with their old friends and teachers and visit the school which holds so many memories for them. Some guests hadn’t been back to school since leaving. They thoroughly enjoyed taking tours with Lower Sixth and Divs pupils and finding out about all that has changed at the school since their time here.
Enormous thanks to Jon Gabitass for hosting the evening, to the boys who took the tours, and last but not least the three OMTs who spoke about their memories of their time at Merchant Taylors’; Robert Keane, Tom Kaplan and Hitesh Chowdhry. Who would have thought that the dilemma faced each day by boys catching the tube home from school between cutting across the grass and risking getting caught, or taking the longer route along the designated path, would be an allegory for life!
To view pictures from the occasion please have click on the image below.

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